Visit the Tourism Websites of Every Prefecture in Japan
Choose by Prefecture Name
Area Code | Japanese | English |
1 | 北海道 | Hokkaido |
2 | 青森 | Aomori |
3 | 岩手 | Iwate |
4 | 宮城 | Miyagi |
5 | 秋田 | Akita |
6 | 山形 | Yamagata |
7 | 福島 | Fukushima |
8 | 新潟 | Niigata |
9 | 茨城 | Ibaraki |
10 | 栃木 | Tochigi |
11 | 群馬 | Gunma |
12 | 埼玉 | Saitama |
13 | 千葉 | Chiba |
14 | 東京 | Tokyo |
15 | 神奈川 | Kanagawa |
16 | 富山 | Toyama |
17 | 石川 | Ishikawa |
18 | 福井 | Fukui |
19 | 山梨 | Yamanashi |
20 | 長野 | Nagano |
21 | 岐阜 | Gifu |
22 | 静岡 | Shizuoka |
23 | 愛知 | Aichi |
24 | 三重 | Mie |
25 | 滋賀 | Shiga |
26 | 京都 | Kyoto |
27 | 大阪 | Osaka |
28 | 兵庫 | Hyogo |
29 | 奈良 | Nara |
30 | 和歌山 | Wakayama |
31 | 鳥取 | Tottori |
32 | 島根 | Shimane |
33 | 岡山 | Okayama |
34 | 広島 | Hiroshima |
35 | 山口 | Yamaguchi |
36 | 徳島 | Tokushima |
37 | 香川 | Kagawa |
38 | 愛媛 | Ehime |
39 | 高知 | Kochi |
40 | 福岡 | Fukuoka |
41 | 佐賀 | Saga |
42 | 長崎 | Nagasaki |
43 | 熊本 | Kumamoto |
44 | 大分 | Oita |
45 | 宮崎 | Miyazaki |
46 | 鹿児島 | Kagoshima |
47 | 沖縄 | Okinawa |

2021 Local Government in Japan
This document includes:
– Outline of Local Autonomy in Japan
– Challenges Facing Local Government
– Current Topics in Local Autonomy

White Paper on Local Public Finance, 2021
This Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications brochure describes the status of local public finance and the state of settlements.

Best Practices from Leading Local Governments in Japan
It includes:
-Declining birthrate and aging population
-Aftermath of Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster
and so on
Go to the CLAIR website