Japanese major cities try to export their water / sewage technology
Water Supply Tank at Siem Reap, Cambodia. Photo courtesy of Kitakyushu City Several Japanese major cities and prefectures are trying to export their water / sewage technology. Currently, Tokyo Metropolitan Waterworks Bureau maintains 25,969km (16,230 mile) of water pipes that provides daily, an average of 4.3 million m3 (946 million gallon) of potable water to more than 12.6 million people. One of TMWB’s superior points is its detection and control of water leakage technology. This makes it possible to supply more water at less cost and minimum environmental effect. The leakage rate of TMWB water supply is only 3.0% in 2009, while other foreign major cities’ average is around 10%.… Read More »Japanese major cities try to export their water / sewage technology